Assignment #5
Here are the moments each group will be testing:
- Act 1 - walking and running cycles
- Act 2 - tyrant lifting up follower in hand
- Act 3 - decision (blue eyes and star child holding hands)
Lab - Revise the 3D Animatic for review inside VR during Thursday’s Class this week.
- Act 1 - Walk cycles, how should we handle root motion and looping motion throughout the film?
- Act 2 - Tyrant picking up character, how can we place the player or rework the animation so this scene is easy to understand?
- Act 3 - Characters holding hands, how must this scene be reworked for this to be compelling, where should the action take place from the viewer's perspective?
While working, keep the visual design priorities in mind:
- Transparency
- Volumetrics/Indirect Lighting
- Tendril Effects
From the last class our Tyrant Visual Notes were:
- Lighting (and efx) will be extremely important!
- Have to be HDR
- Have to be super emissive for the glow
- Need to be careful about the character silhouette (so it doesn't blow out the figure)
- Need to use Bloom (light appears to leak to other areas
- Try to fake indirect light by using other light sources
- e.g. when bump into Tyrant's leg, add lights within the leg so viewer can see the effect on the character.
Weekly goals details:
Be sure to write up the specific weekly goals for each of the roles in your group for the NEXT THREE WEEKS - the high level programmers, the low level programmers, the artists and the tech artists. Write up how the tasks you’ve come up with get all production groups closer to our final goals this quarter. Our primary goal is to produce a clear story that is not necessarily polished but nonetheless very powerful and clear. Determine how you will collaborate in your groups to get to your final reel this quarter to a point where the story is totally clear.
In addition to roles, goals and specific tasks , you will want to have a discussion in your group during lab times about what folks want to do based on their background and interests and how fast they can get something done. Prioritize as best you can.
For your Class Assignment 5:
We will review your 3 week production Calendar Proposals. Please submit them with your Assignment #5.
We will review the three groups/three acts separately in class this week and then edit them together starting the week after.
For each group, select the person who will present in class Thursday and make sure to practice before classbecause we will all be watching!
Goals and focus areas for each group/act:
Group 1/Act 1
- Figure out how to do root motion Experiment with Timeline and splines
- Eye adaptation (auto-exposure) and post-production for fixing too bright Tyrant
- Use V2 Post
- Can change the eye adaptation depending on the distance from the eye (test with the step over viewer's head moment
Group 2/Act 2
- Figure out viewer location for key moments (i.e. tyrant picking up character) without drastically moving the viewer make sure still can see character with the Tyrant's glow (see notes about tyrant above)
Group 3/Act 3
- Solve rigging/constraint issues in animation pipeline - Eyes moving may be a constraining issue in Maya (just parent instead)
- Look into exploring timeline and animation transitions.